Sensory Integration and Processing Dysfunction

One of the greatest challenges for parents today is detecting their child’s special needs. The Sensory Integration Disorder or Sensory Processing Dysfunction affects both parents and children.

Every mother and father wants to have healthy normal children. Kids who have this disorder need special attention in order to develop and learn. The disorder impedes daily functions, social relationships, psychological health development, as well as learning.


Children with such dysfunctions exhibit unusual characters like:

  • hyperactive behavior
  • hypersensitivity to touch
  • reaction to loud sound
  • poor coordination
  • choosy behavior with food and clothing
  • fear of getting dirty

Symptoms of Sensory Integration Disorder Early detection of the condition is significant and every parent needs to be enlightened about this condition. By looking at the signs and symptoms of the dysfunction, it is possible to note if a child has the Sensory Processing Dysfunction. Parents should watch their children’s reaction to different things and situations.

Simple things seem to disturb a child who has the disorder-these could be:

  • friendly touch ­
  • rough bed sheets
  • water from the shower
  • new clothes and
  • brushing teeth

A caretaker who is unaware of this condition might think the child is overreacting. The child could also face discrimination from other kids due to their “choosy” character. This affects the way they relate, and their overall growth in society.

For older children, their school performance reduces due to its effects on their coordination abilities. The condition affects an important part of their body system.

What Causes the Sensory Processing Disorder?

This is due to poor reception of messages by the nervous system. The negative behavior reaction that the child displays is because of an unusual sensory processing system. Different psychologists researching on the condition describe the extent to which a child could show these signs. Some situations are extreme and require special attention. While the condition is unavoidable, there are some causes, which are beyond control.

Reasons for the SPD include:

  • prenatal attention
  • birth complications
  • Genetics
  • Environmental effects

Children with this condition require occupational therapy. Proper diagnosis will suggest the right treatment for the child. The degree of effects on their system determines their level of treatment. The family and society members need to understand the condition so that they can offer the best care.

For more information about the condition, proper inquiries and research using ideal links will provide adequate information. More about Sensory Integration and Processing Dysfunction available at the following email lists:

The best way to prevent the disorder is by getting to know about it in advance. Whether a parent has a child suffering from Sensory Integration Disorder or not, it is their responsibility to learn about it.

thursday, march 27. 2025 - (week 13)